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A Complete Guide to Spiritual Awakening into Higher Dimensions

Learn how to have a spiritual awakening into 5th Dimension

Higher Dimensions with Kundalini Yoga

What is Kundalini Tantric Yoga?

Yoga is actions for achieving a particular task. According to ancient books, Yoga means connection with the universe. A yogic is a person who tries to develop his mind power to achieve goals in his personal & spiritual life. A yogic is a sagacious hermit or seer who is committed to practicing yoga. Actually yoga is not meditation, a spiritual group or exercises. It is a way of self-control. A person who has self-control of his mind can achieve good health, happiness, calm & wisdom. In Sri Lanka, people use yoga to develop mind power, cure diseases, reduce stress & develop stamina to achieve their personal life goals. In this web page we discuss how we use herbal medicine or ayurvedha, yoga & meditation for success in our life. Generally, people have knowledge of yoga exercises, therefore we won’t detail those in this web site. There already exists a lot of yoga websites related to India & the Himalayas. Please refer to those web sites to know more details on yoga exercises. Anyhow, firstly we give you some names of yoga poses which are suited for common sicknesses:

Yoga Asana or Yoga Poses are important to cure diseases & remove laziness of yogic. Normally a yogic doesn’t give first priority to exercises, but some steady & calm exercises can help to cure a lot of sicknesses. But sometimes a yogic practices meditation for a long period of time, therefore his mind becomes lazy. To remove such negative feelings, yoga asana is very helpful to everyone. Also to do meditation, yoga asana helps to keep the mind concentrated for long periods of time. Yoga poses are inherited by poses of animals, natural objects, star groups & own experiments of some yogic like Shiva. However to get the best results, you want to stay at least 30 minutes in one pose. But, initially practicing for the first time, 10 minutes is sufficient. You can increase the duration at a later time. It is not recommended to do yoga poses as soon as you consume meals. It is essential to do asana when your body is clean (i.e. after you have bathed). But as soon as you finished asana, it is not good to bath. You must relax for at least 30 minutes. It is also not good to do yoga asana when there are strong cool/hot winds or heavy rainfall. The best time periods to practice are between 4am to 7am or 5pm to 8pm. However to do yoga asana you need to have a well experienced teacher with their full guidance. Good Asana for Buddhist meditation are: Vadjrasana, Padmasana, Sukhasana & Siddasana. There have many kundalini yoga poses for awaking or boosting this power and then particular yoga poses for chakras such as third-eye. These yoga poses should praticce with a well-experinced teacher who has fully opened the third-eye. In meditative poses there have a certain way to keep the fingers positioned called Mudras. Mudras help to locate energy in the chakra into one point in the astral body.

  • Catarrh: Mathsayaasana, Sirshasana, Danurasana, Supta Vadjrasana, Sarvangasana
  • Diabetess: Danurasana, Mayurasana, Bujangasana, Naukasana, Sarvangasana
  • High Blood Pressure: Salabasana, Sarvangasan, Savasana, Bujangasana, Pawana Muttasana
  • Tyrotoxicosis: Mathsayaasana, Trikonasana, Halasana, Danurasana, Bujangasana
  • Anxiety: Salabasana, Bujangasana, Trikonasana, Sarvangasana, Pachimamothtasana
  • Stomach Problems: Bujangasana, Danurasana, Halasana, Naukasana, Sirshasana
  • Gastrointestinal & Chronics: Sarvangasana, Padmasana, Mathsayaasana, Salabasana
  • Neurosis: Salabasana, Bujangasana, Padmasana, Mathsayaasana, Trikonasana
  • Fever & Cold: Danurasana, Supta Vadjrasana, Bujangasana, Vackrasana, Trikonasana

How to achieve spiritual awakening with Foods in daily Life

People recently have started to discuss how herbal food or vegan meals protect our body health. But as advance yoga & ayurvedic teachings have told, what foods we consume not only influence our body health, but also assists to our decision making, career, stress level, brain power, mind power, education & social links. A famous verse in yoga is "When eating fresh foods, internal body parts also become fresh, when the internal body becomes fresh, memory also develops. Developing memory power helps to increase capacity of the brain. This helps to remove all bonds & attachment from the rebirth cycle". Some foods help to create a dull mood after consumption while some foods help to grow stress. Here we give some basic food types which you can use in your daily meals for your own success:

  • Half tempered milk, ghee, cheese, yogurts, curds, oils from ghee, butter, chocolate & bees honey - These foods help to concentrate the mind & develop mind power via meditations.
  • Red rice, barley, wheat, chick peas, soya, green grams, other types of grams & ulundu help to grow muscles, fight against viruses & develop strength in the body.
  • Mangos, woodapples, pineapples, avocado, bananas, sweet oranges, papaya, graphs, apricot, guava, melon & myrobalans are the best fruits for developing mind power. Apples & pears are good for cleaning & strengthening your teeth. But fruits which have a strong sour taste, which are too ripe or too young are not suitable to eat. Consumption of those fruits helps to confuse our mind & develop tension or stress. These kind of sour tasted foods were needed to avoid when studying.
  • Vegetables& greens leaves are good for our body health. Leaves help to grow blood cells. They must be fresh &recently taken off from plants. Old or ripe vegetables are also not suitable to eat.
  • Fruit juices or vegetable juices are also very important to stimulate our brain cells. Fresh fruits & vegetables help to strengthen our immunity.
  • Peppers & ginger refresh our mind &are good for the functioning of the internal body parts. It also removes phlegm. But other spices such as salts, mustard, chilies, tamarinds, garlic & onions help to grow stress in our mind. Chutneys& sauces are very harmful for our kidneys & urine system.
  • Porridges created from herbal leaves, soya milk & red rice are healthy food to consume in the morning. Also vegetable soups are good to take as dinner time meals. Soups & porridges help to cure sicknesses.
  • Another good morning time meal which helps to increase our mind power is milk rice made from red rice & coconut milk combined with green gram, bees honey & grapes. This is can be called as All Yogic Food.
  • Bananas, mango, avocado, ginger, ginseng, rosemary, cloves, chocolate, ghee, bees honey, myrobalans, mints, figs, fenugreek & mace are called foods that are related to increase the sexual capacity in the body. Mixer of ghee, milk & honey are said to be the best energizer foods before doing sexual intercourse. These types of meals are known as Herbal Aphrodisiacs.
  • Alcoholic drinks help to destroy brain cells which lead to stress, tension, foolishness & insanity. All people who like to follow a spiritual life must abstain from alcohol & smoking.
  • Meat, eggs & fish are types of foods which help to make our mind lazy & fall into a sleepy state. These kinds of foods help to reduce brain power and increase insanity. 

Introduction to Kundalini Power Awakening

Every yogi’s main aim is to achieve Kundalini power. This power was found by God Shiva. From our research, we found that God Shiva was a human in his past life who did experiments on meditation systems. From his research he found that Kundalini power is located in every human & animal. Then he taught this power to all yogis, hermits & monks. He also helped poor people from this ultimate power. From the merits he had earned, he became reborn as a powerful god. In yoga, Kundalini is the power which is located in the human body as a serpent. Kundalini literally means serpent. This serpent sleeps in our sacral region (region between sexual organs & urine system). Every animal and human is connected with an astral body, physical body & perceptions body. Our astral body links with our physical body via nadi.

Performing Yoga and Kundalini Yoga Poses

Nadi (Meridians) means channels or tunnels which are carrying life energies between the astral body & physical body. There have more than 300,000 nadi channels in our astral body. Actually nadi means vibrators, which creates the astral body. Nadi & life energies carry on as vibrating waves. But mainly only three nadis are very important to understand. Those are Susumna, Idha & Pingala. Here we detail a short description about these nadis. In our head there is a hole called Brahma Randra which connects the astral body with the physical body via a silver cord. When this cord is broken down, then we experience death. When we die, our consciousness travels via this hole. Also ghosts & devils come into our body via this hole. These nadis are not what we learnt in herbal medicine as inside the physical body. Nadis help to link our energy body with solar system and universe. This way astrology helps to determine occasions in our life linking with heavenly bodies.

  • Sushumna Nadi is like a flame which possesses a reddish colour. Inside this nadi there are another two nadi’s called Chitra & Vajra. Vajranadi is colourful like the sun while inside it has the Chitranadi which is white coloured. The entire Sushumna Nadi is located along the spine. When Kundalini is emitted, it goes along the Chitranadi to the hole of Brahma Randra. Then again it is absorbed to the whole body. This Chitranadi is white coloured but combined with five colors & is called as the main nadi for linking with gods. Sushumna Nadiis also called as Brahma nadi.
  • Ida Nadi (Conception Meridian) goes along from the right testes to the right nostrils. In Mahayana Buddhism, it is called as nadi of moon. This nadi is also pure white coloured.
  • Pingala Nadi (Governing Meridian) goes along from the left testes to the left nostrils. In Mahayana Buddhism, it is called as nadi of sun. Pingala Nadiis coloured& shaped like the sun.
  • In yoga, a breathing system called Pranayama which means by controlling nadi of Idha & pingala we can refresh our life energy & life time. To control nadi we must control our breathing along the left & right nostrils. This need longtime practice.

In our astral body there exists Chakras or lotuses. Chakra means a group of nadis which are located in a particular place in our astral body. These are mainly energy spheres. There exist a lot of sub energy spheres in our astral body. But primarily there are seven major chakras. Each chakra belongs to a particular task of body health, body functions and ESP powers in the mind such as divine-eye & telepathy. Kundalini is hiddenin the first chakra called Muladara. When we perform meditations & merit works, this Kundalini is powered & gradually emitted to the other six chakras. When it comes to the final chakra which is called Sahassa, it is emitted from the Brahma Randra hole. At the same time, it is also absorbed by the body therefore enabling the yogic to attain Kundalini power. As a result, the yogic can do marvellous things from their mind power. In yoga, human being means small packet or show piece of universal energies. Those powers include:  

  • Anima: Ability to collapse one’s own body as small as atoms
  • Mahima: Ability to expand one’sown body as large as a mountain
  • Laghima: Ability to soften one’ own body like the wind & float in the sky
  • Garima: Ability to strengthen one’s own body as heavy as the earth
  • Prapththi: Ability to touch, stay or go near the sun & moon
  • Prakamayaa: Ability to possess things as soon as we mentally wish
  • Isathwa: Ability to create anything from one’s mind power, even living things like nymphs
  • Wasithwa:Ability to control elements of solid, liquid, air & fire

Listed below are details of Chakras

Yoga Chakras are particular places in our astral body which have large amounts of nadis. There are seven main chakras. When kundalini is emitted, it combines all the chakras together enabling the yogic to attain the ultimate power in the universe. In Kundalini yoga, each human being is considered as an energy droplet among the whole energy present in the universe. However there does exists more chakras than the seven listed below.

Mudras for chakras awakening
  • Muladara Chakra / AdaraChakra: This chakra has four nadis. Shaped liked a square and its colour is Red. This chakra gives power to the other six chakras. Earth mattered. It gives power to identify smells. Ida, Pingala & Sushumna Nadi are tied inside this chakra. Kundalini serpent is coiled & located in this chakra. Mantra is LAM and crystal is Red Jasper.  
  • Suvadishtana Chakra: This chakra has six nadis. Shaped like semi-circle and its colour is Orange. Water mattered. It gives power to identify tastes. Mantra is VAM and crystal is Amber or Citrine. 
  • Manipura Chakra: This chakra has ten nadis. Shaped like a triangle and its colour is Yellow. Fire mattered.  It gives power to identify images. When kundalini comes into this chakra, a yogic can delay his death. Mantra is RAM and crystal is Tiger's Eye.
  • Anaahatha Chakra: This chakra has 12 nadis. Shaped like a hexagon and its colour is Green. Air mattered. It gives power to identify touching. Telepathy is achieved when kundalini comes into this chakra. Mantra is YAM and crystal is Rose Quartz.
  • Vishuddhi Chakra: This chakra has 16 nadis. Shaped like a circle and its colour is Blue. Space mattered. It gives power to identify sounds. When kundalini comes into this chakra, a yogic can talk & hear the sound of gods. Very important for when we use divination methods. Mantra is HAM and crystal is Lapis Lazuli.
  • Aghana Chakra: This chakra has only two nadis. Shaped liked a circle and its colour is Indigo and look like the full moon. Mind mattered. It gives power to identify & think. Divine-eye is achieved when Kundalini comes into this chakra. This is very important chakra for activate psychic powers. Mantra is KSHAM and crystal is Amethyst.
  • Sahassara Chakra: This is considered as the same as a lotus with 1000 slices. Its colour is invisible violet. With meditation & merit works, kundalini is vibrating &gradually emitted from Muladara chakra to Sahassara chakra via the above four chakras. In Sahassara chakra kundalini is emitted to Brahma Randra. Mantra is OHM/OM and crystal is Diamond.  

Your body contains many more chakras. They are all over your body and are energy centers that focus on different aspects of your physical and spiritual self. Read on to find out more about extra chakras, why they are important, and how to activate them.

Eighteen Chakras and Awakening of Kundalini

Stellar Gateway Chakra

The Stellar Gateway chakra is linked with the Soul Star chakra. The two chakras work together with your higher dimensional self. They are linked with multi-dimensional planes and bring you in tune with them as well. The Stellar Gateway chakra is located about a foot over your head. It connects you with the energy from stars and planets, or even universes and other dimensions. For this chakra to be activated, your lower chakras must be ready. Once this chakra is activated, you will be able to access divine energy. The crystal that is associated with the Stellar Gateway chakra is Novaculite.

Soul Star Chakra

The Soul Star chakra is linked with the Stellar Gateway chakra. It is located just above the crown of your head. The Soul Star stores your soul energy and is the center of cleansing and releasing. Because this chakra is the center of cleansing and releasing, it also keeps you from creating a bond with higher powers. The Soul Star chakra is the link between your physical body and the non-physical. It holds the truth of how you are connected to everything bigger around you. When activated, this chakra helps you connect to what is around you. it reminds you of your life's purpose and your place in the universe. In order to activate this chakra, there are a couple of things you can do. One is to be authentic and aware of yourself. Be true to who you are and be aware of the things you are doing. You can also commit to being alive and what you are doing with your life. In addition to this, accepting that you are a soul temporarily residing in a physical being will also help activate this chakra. The colors associated with this chakra are silver and white. Wearing them can help you focus on activating that chakra. In addition, the crystals associated with the Soul Star chakra are Datolite, Novaculite, Tanzanite, and Stellar Beam Calcite.

Higher Crown Chakra

The Higher Crown chakra is important because it helps manage glands, the nervous system, and areas of the brain. It is located just above the top of your head (where you would rest a crown) and helps you develop a connection to spirit. It is associated with intelligence, deep thought, and "knowing" in a spiritual way. In order to activate this chakra, meditation and crystals need to be stimulated frequently. It is associated with the color white and purple and can be stimulated and activated with the help of these colors. Some of the crystals associated with the Higher Crown chakra are Celestite, Kunzite, Petalite, Purpurite, and Selenite.

Soma Chakra

The Soma chakra is associated with feminine energy and is located in the middle of the forehead. It also includes the pineal glands and has a connection to the planets and moon. This chakra is part of your desire to create. To activate it, the lower chakras must be aligned. Once activated, this chakra brings youth and stamina and health to your body. Some of the crystals associated with the Soma chakra are Aegirine, Annabergite, Dumortierite, and Natrolite.

Alta Major Chakra

The Alta Major chakra is important because it stores past lives' information. It is at the base of the skull. When not aligned, this chakra can lead to health problems such as dizziness and headaches. When aligned, the chakra opens up new levels of perception and consciousness. To activate this chakra, you can use sound vibrations and meditation to open up this area. The color teal is associated with this chakra and can be used to stimulate it. The crystals associated with the Alta Major chakra are Turquoise and Blue Agates.

Past Life Chakra

The Past Life chakra is located behind your ears. It lies in the bony skull ridge. This chakra is important because it houses emotional stability. When this chakra is unaligned, you can experience emotional baggage and unfinished business. Aligning this chakra helps people move forward with their lives and start making beneficial decisions again. Some of the crystals associated with the Past Life chakra are Blue Moonstone, Datolite, Hanksite, and Nuummite. Placing one crystal behind each ear and thinking intentional thoughts will help activate this chakra and align it.

Higher Heart Chakra

The Higher Heart chakra is located in the upper chest area and is important because it is where intent originates. It connects love and truth and when activated, lets you speak your truth. When activated, this chakra also helps you speak compassionately towards others. To activate it, sound and spoken words are helpful for stimulation. Some of the crystals associated with the Higher Heart chakra are Dioptase, Eilat Stone, and Kunzite.

Spleen Chakra

The Spleen chakra is located on the left side of the body in the bottom rib center. It is important because it aids the body in fighting off illnesses and diseases. It also focuses on relationship-based emotions. When not activated or when unbalanced, the Spleen chakra is said to contribute to substance abuse and eating disorders. To activate this chakra, you can do yoga with poses that focus on abdominal compression and extension, like cobra pose and side angle poses. The crystals associated with the Spleen chakra are Gaspeite and Green Landite.

Heart Seed Chakra

The Heart Seed chakra is located in your chest. It is important to your body because it allows for emotional information to be processed adequately. When balanced, you are able to practice compassion and take things in stride. To activate your Heart Seed chakra, you can sit and meditate in a relaxing spot. You breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth in order to relax your body and open your heart. The crystal associated with the Heart Seed chakra is Tugtupite.

Earth Star Chakra

The Earth Star chakra is located beneath your feet. It is a rooting and grounding chakra and is thought to help ground all of the chakras. It connects your physical body and energy to the earth's energies. When activated, this chakra helps release negative energy and bring in positive energy. The chakra helps you feel grounded and connected to the earth which helps you stay focused on your tasks. In order to activate this chakra, you can go outside and simply connect with the outdoor environment. Some of the crystals associated with the Earth Star chakra are Black Dioside, Gaia Stone, Hematite, and Smoky Quartz.

Higher Earth Chakra

Earth type chakras are associated with grounding and stability. When activated, this chakra allows you to feel grounded and at peace with yourself. To activate this chakra, doing meditation outdoors and feeling the earth beneath your feet is most beneficial. It will help you to relax and open yourself up. Some of the crystals associated with the Higher Earth chakra are Limonite and Obsidian.

How to Awakening Kundalini Energy

There are lot of ways to awaken kundalini & chakras. In our daily life we can wake up kundalini by making clear our nadi system. As a Buddhist person, we can do this via our normal merit works such as Bodhi Puja, offering flowers to Buddha in our home on a daily basis, chanting parittas, performing merit works such as alms or clothes giving to Buddhist monks & practicing Buddhist meditations. Here listed below are some methods:

  • Via pranayama breathing system & certain asana exercises
  • From doing meditation, limiting & controlling our mind
  • Getting help from gods after becoming friendly with them
  • From analytical thinking & using our brain power
  • By chanting mantras, pujas, worshiping & observing precepts
  • A yoga teacher who has kundalini power can transfer his power to wake up kundalini of his students
  • Some people can awaken their Kundalini automatically as a result of their past life merit and karmic forces
  • There have kundalini energy boosters that help to speed up awaking, such as meditating with your twin flame. twin flames are souls which have the same intention of life as yours, twin flames can be your soulmate, spiritual teacher, or marriage partner.
  • Using mudras for chakras and mudras for meditation can speed up kundalini energy awaking. Refer to this webpage to learn about some mudras: Mudras and How to Use Them

A Buddhist Daily Meditation Of Breathing

In Hindu yoga there is a meditation called Pranayama or controlling the inhale & exhale of the breath. This is used to emit powers via Ida-Pingala nadis & fire Muladara chakra. This will heat up and help to awaken Kundalini power. However in the Buddhist system, we don't used Pranayama but instead practice meditation of the breath. This is called Anapanasathi Meditation. This is the Buddha's meditation & silent way to achieving wisdom. Breathing meditation helps to stop the swaying state of the mind & brings it into a calm state. There have many Buddhist daily meditations which are simple and complex, some Buddhist daily meditations need to practice by a good teacher who has experience in handling the mind.

Yoga tranquility and peace

It also reduces tension, stress, sadness, anger & tiredness. You may need a good teacher to practice this meditation. You can do this meditation on yoga poses of Vadjrasana, Padmasana, Sukhasana & Siddasana. Here we give full translation of Anapanasthi Meditation from the Sutra Pitakaya; this sutra is called Sathi Pattana. Translation has been obtained from www.metta.lk - Buddhist web site:

"And how does a monk remain focused on the body in & of itself?

There is the case where a monk - having gone to the wilderness, to the shade of a tree, or to an empty building - sits down folding his legs crosswise, holding his body erect and setting mindfulness to the fore [lit: the front of the chest]. Always mindful, he breathes in; mindful he breathes out. 

Breathing in long, he discerns that he is breathing in long; or breathing out long, he discerns that he is breathing out long. Or breathing in short, he discerns that he is breathing in short; or breathing out short, he discerns that he is breathing out short. He trains himself to breathe in sensitive to the entire body and to breathe out sensitive to the entire body. He trains himself to breathe in calming bodily fabrication and to breathe out calming bodily fabrication. Just as a skilled turner or his apprentice, when making a long turn, discerns that he is making a long turn, or when making a short turn discerns that he is making a short turn; in the same way the monk, when breathing in long, discerns that he is breathing in long; or breathing out short, he discerns that he is breathing out short... He trains himself to breathe in calming bodily fabrication, and to breathe out calming bodily fabrication. 

In this way he remains focused internally on the body in & of itself, or externally on the body in & of itself, or both internally & externally on the body in & of itself. Or he remains focused on the phenomenon of origination with regard to the body, on the phenomenon of passing away with regard to the body, or on the phenomenon of origination & passing away with regard to the body. Or his mindfulness that 'There is a body' is maintained to the extent of knowledge & remembrance. And he remains independent, unsustained by (not clinging to) anything in the world. This is how a monk remains focused on the body in & of itself." 

Yoga Environments

A person who does yoga must keep his physical & mental environments clean & in a neat way. You should not need to tell the world that you are a yogic who only eats vegetables. He does not need to stay in an artificial or mentally created life. A lay person who does yoga or meditation must keep those activities separate without affecting their family life. Also yogic must follow higher mental rules called the five precepts to discipline one’s own mind. He or she must collect knowledge, exert the mind at the right time, encourage the mind when feeling lazy, control the mind during an angry, erotic or sleepy state, avoid bad people, consult teachers at the right time, limit the mind for unnecessary attachments, always keep a concentrated mind & build self-confidence for spiritual goals. He or she can build or rent their house near a river, lake, under a mountain, near the forest or on the top of a mountain.

Person performing Yoga outdoors

Those natural sceneries will give extra encouragement for practicing meditation. A yogic can involve their family members for his or her path, but don’t need to force them. A yogic doesn't need to stay in a crowded or complex environment like a town or city area. His yoga room must have fresh air (which have two or three windows) & without many household goods. In this room you can keep a small book rack of yoga & meditation books, must hang a picture of Buddha & small mattress to do yoga asana or meditations. In the morning or evening times, a yogic should light incense sticks such as sandalwood or jasmine to stimulate spiritual feelings. As well as one’s room, you must also clean & wash your body to practice yoga. A yogic need to keep his mind strong by removing the following negative counterparts:

  • Bad Climates: Too much hot or cool air & wind is harmful to your body health.
  • Bad Asanas: Your yoga poses must be comfortable to you.
  • Bad foods: Food that is harmful to your physical health & disliked meals can discourage our mind.
  • Bad Friends: People who discourage your spiritual path.
  • Bad Talks: Useless conversations involving topics such as politics, ghosts, sex etc can make your mind insane and will help to destroy mind powers.
  • Bad Places: Difficult places to attain foods, medicines and in meeting your yoga teacher.
  • Bad Crowds: Places where there have lot of visitors, noise & attractions to lust.

By Brian Ranasinghe

Author belonged to an ancestral herbal medicine family in Sri Lanka. He learned ancient astrology from various teachers in Sri Lanka & India. He is working as freelancer web developer in USA.

You can read more about Kundalini yoga: Chakras in the process of Spiritual Perfection. You can also check hatha yoga and mudras for further details about mudras for chakras.

Last updated: 2022 December 26th
